Food courts can be home to some of the best places to eat, offering a very wide variety of options. If, for some reason you are not familiar with what a food court is, let us give you a clear idea. A food court is almost exactly what it sounds like, which is a court filled with food. A food court is a collection of food vendors and extremely small versions of restaurants that are composed of a kitchen, an order counter, and a menu display, which is usually located in a section of a mall or of an airport which has a selection of small tables or benches in the middle of all the vendors.
A food court is usually home to several different restaurants, providing a little bit of everything to offer something for everyone, no matter how picky of an eater someone may be. The larger the food court is, the more options there are available, as more vendors are located inside the food court, with some even setting up small kiosk-esque stalls in the middle of the seating areas selling things such as soft pretzels or nachos.
The best food courts usually have so many options to choose from with several staple food court foods, such as Chinese food, fried foods, pizza, pasta, tacos, and desserts. Listed below are some amazing food courts which are sure to satisfy everyone at your table anytime you find yourself in the middle of them.
Every food court is always a wonderous marvel of different aromas which fill the air and make everyone hungry, even if they have already eaten. Whether you are looking to experience the joys of a food court for the first time or are just looking for the best place to feed everyone on a road trip with as little hassle as possible, a food court is bound to have something for anyone and everyone, whether you are alone or whether you are traveling in a group.